The secret to having movie star abs

We are surprised to see how popular characters, whose physiques we could say were 'ordinary', transformed their bodies in a short time. This is the secret to movie star abs.

We gaze in amazement at how many Hollywood actors sport perfect abs. We are surprised to see how popular characters, whose physiques we could say were 'ordinary', in a short time transformed their bodies and show off their hearts of palm in magazines every summer.

Well, the reason why they have managed to show off movie abs can be translated into a single word: discipline. Discipline means imposing a change in your life, right now, not next Monday, or after such and such a party that I don't want to miss. Discipline means imposing a rigorous conditioning program on yourself, in which the first 'muscle' that we must get in the waist is the will. The will to get what we want. The first step then is to observe three main rules, and be inflexible in complying with them, no matter what.

1. Rest. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

2. Food. Eat a maximum of 2,000 calories a day.

3. Training. Make it as hard as possible.

Secret to getting movie star abs

Rest, the first secret

It is vital to rest enough hours. During sleep, our body regenerates and allows us to be able to face hard training again every day. Don't trade your break for a TV show you don't really care about.

Food, the second secret

The consumption of daily calories is essential so that you can 'mark' abs and that they are not hidden under a belt of fat. Resist temptations ; don't eat that pizza and that beer, which is saying "eat me". You must contain and limit the intake of calories, otherwise you will not achieve anything. If you decide to choose the party and food, the easiest and simplest option, you will fall short of your goal and have to start over almost every Monday.

Choose the foods you are going to eat carefully, otherwise you will not exceed the recommended caloric intake and that will reduce the effectiveness of the effort you make while training, so if you do not see results, your will will begin to break.

Training, the third secret

Train hard. Even if it seems to you that you can't take it anymore, push yourself, train hard, take advantage of the time. You can always a little more.

There are no shortcuts

You must observe and respect these three principles if you want to be successful. You must be demanding with yourself, and strictly comply with these three premises. If not, you will lose once more.

If you are willing to comply with it from today, we teach you 8 definitive abdominal exercises, 8 exercises called 'Killer'. Do these exercises 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Do 10 repetitions of each one, except for those exercises in which we indicate otherwise; and try to perform 3 series completing all the exercises.

The squad

Supported with your hands, on the back of two chairs, try to raise your legs without bending them, until they form a right angle with your body. Hold for a couple of seconds and slowly lower yourself.

Elevated Arms Ball Raises

Sitting on a fitness ball, supporting your buttocks and lower back, raise your arms as if you wanted to touch the ceiling and raise your trunk at the same time. Hold up for a couple of seconds and slowly lower yourself down.

Opposite Side Crunch Raises with Hold

Lying on the floor on your back, try to raise your trunk so that your elbow touches the opposite knee. Hold in this position for two seconds and lower slowly.

Do the V

Lying on your back on the floor, try to raise your feet and hands at the same time, so that you end up forming a V. If you can, hold this position for a moment before lowering.

Lateral raises

Lying on your back, place your hands on the sides of your body. Raise your legs up to a right angle and slowly lower them to your left side until they touch the ground, come up again to a right angle position and lower down to your right side.

Fitness Ball Lateral Trunk Raises

Sitting on a fitness ball, with your feet on the floor, support your buttocks and lower back and try to perform the typical 'crunch' exercise, turning from one side to the other when you reach an upright position.

Plank On Ball fitness

Place your feet on a fitness ball and your forearms on a bench so that your body forms a board parallel to the ground. Contract the abdomen as much as you can and hold in this position for 30 seconds.

Skipping on site

Standing up, try to imitate the running gesture, without moving from the spot; raising one leg and the other alternately as if you were running, but without moving. You must perform this exercise intensely, for 30 seconds.

Complementary exercises

Take advantage of the summer and three other days a week, like Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, get into the pool or the sea. You must swim trying to exceed your second threshold in each series.

Warm up by swimming in the style of your choice for 300M. Rest two minutes and start the series. Do 10 series of 100M.You must perform them at 90% of your maximum capacity. Rest 45 seconds between series and start the next one.

If you don't have access to a pool, do 3 super sets of the following exercises. Between each exercise, you should not rest. Only at the end of each super set, do it for 45 seconds. You must end up exhausted.

75 Swedish Jumps; 20 funds; 20 squats; 15 triceps; 15 burpees.

These exercises will help you burn the fat that accumulates on your abdomen.

El secreto para tener unos abdominales de estrella de cine

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