Our largest muscle group is that of the legs and therefore it is the one that needs to be taken care of the most, among other things because it is the one that supports the entire weight of our body, follow these five tips to get legs of a heart attack.
Although most people who want to be in shape only think about getting some impressive abs and strong>arms, maybe because they look and stand out more than other muscle groups; This is a big mistake, since our largest muscle group is that of the legs and therefore it is the one that must be taken care of the most, among other things because it is the one that supports the entire weight of our body and that multiplies with each stride we take.
In the gyms he sees this mistake a lot, strong and voluminous bodies and extraordinarily 'thin' legs with respect to the upper body. What in the best of cases is no more than an aesthetic imbalance, can nevertheless give rise to injuries of another type, as soon as bodybuilding is combined with aerobic exercises.
So we present to you five simple exercises that will help you maintain strong legs and, in the case of girls, even combat the much feared and hated cellulite.
Five tips for heart-stopping legs
Execution : We must try to avoid a very common mistake that most people suffer, which is none other than performing a very short movement, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. Most only go down halfway up, until the quadriceps are at a 90º angle and don't go any further. This exercise becomes much more effective when you go through the entire movement and drop a few inches below the knees. This is when the hamstrings and glutes also work, thus reinforcing the desired effect.
Tricks: If you want to add a little more intensity to the exercise, try holding for a couple of seconds at the bottom point, then come up to the starting position.
Reps : Perform 3 sets of 15 reps each.
One leg squats
Execution: It is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen the legs and buttocks. To perform this move, stand near a table if you are doing it indoors, or a fence that is hip-high if you are doing it outdoors. On your back, mimicking the position taken when stretching your quadriceps, rest your raised foot on the table or fence. Try to lower the other leg as far as you can and return to the starting position.
Tricks : Keep in mind that the more space there is between the foot that you leave on the floor and the one that rests on the table, the more your hamstrings will work. If you want to add some resistance to the exercise, use a light weight dumbbell in each hand.
Reps : Perform 3 sets on each leg and 8 reps on each set.
Series of slopes
Execution : This exercise is one of the best not only to strengthen the legs, but at the same time it will improve your cardiovascular capacity. On a hill of about 20 or 25 meters, perform the series sprinting at 75% of your capacity. When you get to the top, jog down slowly while you catch your breath. When you reach the bottom, do another sprint again, without resting.
Tricks: If you want to improve your cardiovascular health and you see that these series do not require much effort, in addition to doing one day of short hills a week, add another day with longer hills in which more or less I spent a minute running at 75% capacity.
Repetitions: Perform 3 sets of 9 sprints each of the short hills. If you want to do the long hills, do 3 sets of 6 sprints each.
Jumping frog
Execution: It is an exercise that not only strengthens all the muscles of the legs, it also helps to improve power and jumping. Standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, crouch slightly to gain momentum and jump forward with your feet together. You must push off and land with both feet at the same time. Perform one jump after the next without pausing in between.
Tricks: If you want to add some difficulty to the exercise, after landing on each jump, perform a squat and then jump again.
Repetitions : Perform 3 sets of 8 jumps each.
Calf raises
Execution : Standing on one foot, raise and lower the heel as many times as indicated below. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise
Tips: If you want to increase the efficiency of the exercise, do as many repetitions as you need until you burn your calf.
Repetitions: 3 series of 20 repetitions with each leg.

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